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July 29, 2005



I just came upon your blog as I made my usual wine/food blogs...excellent work!

I'm going to add you to my food blog list...and mention you in a post. I've been pushing eating AND drinking local lately, both on my blog and in my day-to-day. Would love to read more about Central NY/Finger Lakes wines from your perspective as well. I've been working with a few of the larger ones, putting together some blind tastings...

Cheers again...


Hi Lenn,

Thanks for writing. I've just taken a peak at your blog--VERY cool. I'm glad to discover it--I'll link to your's too. Did you hear about the Wine Blogging Wednesday challenge this month (part of the Eat Local Challenge) to write about the winery closest to your home? I'm hoping to make a new discovery. I also hope to learn about Long Island wines. As for the Finger Lakes--I can't say enough about Silver Thread Vineyards--I'll blog on it soon.

Fred Forsburg

Jennifer, I just love this web site and could not agree with you more on your comments regarding buying local and especially to be watchful of products even at farmer's markets as many are indeed not grown by the farmer! I sell only what I grow at Livona, Victor and Canandaigua markets.

I am writing however about your comment: "If you find oranges attractively displayed in August--you can bet they're not local. And if you find these oranges in Central New York--chances are they're not local"
.....Jennifer, when will oranges EVER BE LOCAL? ......8>))

Oranges and bananas should never be sold in farmer's markets else it is not a farmers market. God made Wegmans for that.



Thanks for your comments--you obviously really get it. You found me tongue firmly planted in cheek making a point about the many varieties of citrus fruits and bananas that I see at places like the CNY Regional Market here in Syracuse (which, admittedly, is not called a farmers' market) or, further afield, the downtown Minneapolis farmers' market. Some people-many I suspect--don't quite get it. When I've pointed this out to some colleagues they go, "Ohhhh. Of course!" But there is the impression that if you are purchasing the produce in an outdoor stand it is all good local produce. And as you know, we can't assume that.

One of the challenges of this Eat Local Challenge is coming to grips with what I will always seek to source locally, and what I will choose to eat despite the environmental impact of shipping foods long distance. Lemons and oranges are at the top of the list. When I lived in the San Francisco Bay area I grew lemons on my balcony--If I can figure out how to do that here in Syracuse, I'll be ecstatic.

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