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February 24, 2006



"fancy kitchens and luxurious appliances do not a cook make".

No, no they do not. My sister lives in a mobile home and has about a 12 x 12 kitchen area, yet can cook circles around 99% of the people I know. She can make something out of nothing, on a moment's notice....and I hate her for it!


I've always (arrogantly) believed that a truly talented cook needs only a cutting board and a good knife. I did not desire gadgets or appliances and kept a lean, but busy, kitchen.

Recently I married a chef, watched heavy things like a Kitchen Aid and other machines enter my house--and now we have a (beautifully) remodeled kitchen too.

I've got to admit, this feels like progress! And the many happy and satisfied diners that flow through our house think so too!


David, you're right--you can't cover for talent and skills with good appliances--how great to have such a good cook in the family.

Joanne, I hear you. I actually used to be the same way--but now, most days I can't imagine life without my KitchenAid. But yours get used. I can't imagine any kitchen appliance serving as a decorative feature in YOUR kitchen!

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