The following is an announcement from the good folks at New York State Against Genetic Engineering (of food) aka NYSAGE. If you have a few minutes and you live in New York State, call your assembly representative or state senator and let them know that you want food that is clean and safe from genetically modified organisms. You can read more about the issues on the NYSAGE website here, or get a quick synopsis by reading this post.
Educate your legislators about protecting food and farms from untested,
unpredictable, uncontainable, unnatural biotech food!
*It́s Urgent: Call legislators Feb. 8th *on Safe Food and Farm Lobby Day in Albany, NY.
Tell them you support first time basic legislation to protect both organic and conventional farms from cross-contamination by genetically engineered crops.
Tell them you support the statewide farmers of NOFA and the statewide members of the NYSAGE food coops, farmer markets and other concerned organizations who are in Albany meeting with legislators today.
Step 1:
Make three brief but important calls to three legislators who can push this legislation. Call:
* Senate Leader Joseph Bruno at (518) 455-3191*
* Assembly Agriculture Chair Bill Magee at (518) 455-4807* and * Senate Agriculture Chair Catherine Young at (518) 455-3563*
Here's a sample script:
"Hi, my name is ______________ and I am a resident of New York State. I am calling to ask legislative leaders to support the following bills:
A8344 - Requires all seeds that are or include genetically modified organisms to be labeled as such
A1969 - Requires manufacturers of genetically engineered plants to be liable for damages due to cross-contamination
A1468 - Provides a cause of action for the contamination of soil or animal husbandry products by genetically engineered or modified organisms
This bill would provide a necessary doctrine of liability regarding contamination by genetically modified organisms and genetically engineered plants. This bill seeks to help farmers by giving them a cause of action if their crops become contaminated, and it would also provide them with an affirmative defense if they are sued for planting genetically modified organisms or genetically engineered plants without purchasing the rights to do so.
These bills are necessary to protect me, my family and traditional farmers from the technology of genetically engineered foods. This is a dangerous technology that is alive and spreading uncontrollably in the environment. So far GE foods include corn, soy, canola, cotton, zucchini, papaya. Fifty more crops are in the pipeline.
The New York State Farm Bureau also supports these bills and the right of farmers and consumers to know what is in their food. Until biotech seeds and foods are proven safe, they should be labeled and not allowed to spread uncontrollably.
If you have time, please tell you own senator and assembly member that you are concerned for your health if you eat genetically engineered foods.
Several studies imply that there may be health dangers caused by these foods.
No long-term tests have been done.
Go to and enter your zipcode to check the name,
number and e-mail of your assembly rep.
Go to and enter your zipcode to check the name,
number and e-mail of your senator.
Hello, my name is _______ and I live in _______________ and am a constituent of Assembly member ________________/Senator_______________. I request that my legislator be informed that I, and the majority of Americans, as polls have shown for years, are concerned that there could likely be negative and unknown health effects related to biotech food. This includes foods that are genetically engineered such as corn and soy. GE Corn is labeled by the EPA as a pesticide. It also has a toxin-producing gene and an antibiotic-resistant gene engineered into each cell. I do not want to eat this corn, nor the herbicide resistant genetically engineered soy.
Over 40% of corn is now genetically engineered. It is often used as a sweetener in many processed foods, such as soda, tomato sauce, juices and cookies. It is also used as feed for animals. Legislators need to protect constituents from unwanted biotech corn and the many other biotech foods. Biotech food needs to be labeled and tested properly.
Please tell _________________________ to co-sponsor and actively support these 3 initial bills to protect the health of my family, the farmer, and the environment.
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