There is a real exciting synergy that is happening here in Central New York. Interest in eating local, supporting real organic standards, and living the Slow Food life are growing across our region. Kris Venne--the new coordinator of the Morningside Community Gardens got a nice write up in the recent Syracuse New Times and Valerie Jackson--formerly the converner of the Berkeley, CA Slow Food Convivium is now in our area and is the new co-leader of our local Slow Food Convivium.
David Hollis, who blogs over at Rural Life 2.0 covers the scene in this report featured on WRVO--one of our NPR stations. He was gracious enough to include me in the interview. If you want to hear about the Slow Food movement here in Central New York--and get the scoop on Dutch Style Steak--click here. You can also learn more by attending the next Slow Food meeting on Tuesday, February 28 at the Hamilton Public Library at 6:30 pm. Send an email to Suzanne Slomin--also co-leader of our Convivium--at [email protected] to let her know you're coming.
Shameless Plug Part Two is coming next week.