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May 01, 2006


bulk master flex

Marty from the Syracuse Real Food Coop here. I hope to hear about a lot of folks taking part! I'm going to try this year using roughly the same parameters as you (I can't fathom going more than 20 minutes without coffee). If anyone out there comes into the Coop looking to take part, I'd be happy to give you a tour of our store with local foods in mind. It can be tough this time of year to eat all local, but i'd wager that there's a lot of local products people are missing. Hope to meet some of you soon.


Down here in Southern California I'll be participating as well...we've got it easy when it comes to veggies and fruits, but I'm still looking for some local yogurt (that isn't locally produced in a big ol' factory for shipment across the country). I may try my hand at making my own if I can find the time!


Wow. It's much more difficult than we thought! I'm not going to beat up on myself if we don't do a very good job of it - just considering it has been an eye-opening experience. For those of you in the Syracuse area, this might be a help:


Well done!

I look forward to your posts throughout the month.

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