Clockwise from left: onions ready to be dug--er, plucked from the ground, cabbage, freshly dug garlic, and Swiss chard.
Back when I began my late seed sowing and transplanting, I never envisioned a harvest like this. Not that everything has gone as planned--gardening is not a perfect science. But in the midst of my second year of gardening I've been mildly disappointed and yet delighted by my garden's surprises.
The disappointments include the weeds that have completely overtaken the garden. I'm now convinced that there is no way I'll ever keep up--at least without weeding as if it were a ful time job. I think the issue may have to do with the soil amendments I used--not all organic gardening soil is the same--some come with unwanted weed seeds.
I've also been disappointed by my late start with the squash. I've got some leaves developing and even blossoms but no sign of fruit. Friends of mine up the street had the same problem last summer while I could hardly contain or eat all the squash that had taken over my backyard. We'll see what happens next year.
But in the delight department are surprises like garlic growing up in places I did not plant it. I'll never say no to extra garlic and hope that's a trend that will continue. The other delightful surprise is the cabbage. While in the seedling stage, cabbage and collards looks awefully similar and I obviously picked up a mis-labeled tray of transplants. I thought those leaves looked a bit different! A few weeks ago I noticed that the leaves were forming into little balls and lo and behold--a half row of cabbage heads. I guess that is why the cabbage beetles paid me a visit this year.
In the next week or so I'll sow another half row of lettuce and spinach and look forward to collecting tomatoes which are already hanging heavy on the vines--just waiting for them to ripen. In the meantime, today was a day of harvesting Swiss chard, collards, sungold tomatoes and garlic to be dried over the next two weeks. Hungry anyone?
The garden's offerings are truly glorious!
Posted by: Ivonne | July 26, 2006 at 12:25 PM