If you've seen me at all this week, you'll know that I've been racing around with that "life is crazy" expression on my face. This is Orientation Week at Syracuse University and I've been busy welcoming new students and getting ready for the new semester. Plus, things are getting back in gear at the church AND I've had a family of friends visiting from the Bahamas all week.
So I've been cooking alot, with little time or energy to post. I've been eating out of the garden, with little no time for weeding. You know how it is. Life just gets frenzied from time to time.
If you can relate, then in instead of writing lots for you to read, allow me to recommend the download of today's Talk of the Nation--Science Friday. The first hour is all about eating local and featured Brian Halweil the author of Eat Here: Reclaiming Homegrown Pleasures in a Global Supermarket, a book about eating within or closer to your foodshed. The download will be available after 6:00 pm EST today.
My Bahamian friends are into good organic food too so we're going to hit both the CNY Regional Market and the Ithaca Market--perhaps we'll see you there!
Students are arriving here at Hobart and William Smith too -- and school officially starts on Monday. I teach at 8 a.m. Not ready. Augh.
Posted by: bibliochef | August 26, 2006 at 04:58 PM