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June 11, 2007


Laura Rebecca

So great! Congratulations!


Yay! I was wondering if you were scheduled to appear on George's new show! Will have to set my dvr :)
I have high hopes for this new show. George seems to be one of the last few at WCNY who knows what they're doing... heres hoping for a hit George!


Any idea if this will be posted to their website or anything for those of us not local to you :)

jen maiser

Wow - cool! I hope there will be a way for me to see it at some point. (Maybe when I come visit you someday).

Stefanie Noble

Ah! Thanks for letting us know! I'm setting the TiVo right now.

Stefanie Noble

Ah! Thanks for letting us know! I'm setting the TiVo right now.


MMMM... Risotto.

That is quickly becoming one of our (Jen and myself) favourites. The best part is that it's unbelievably easy to just make it up.

We'll have to talk about Risotto when we're back in the 'cuse.

Stefanie Noble

You were awesome!!

Jennifer BB

Thanks everyone for the congratulations! I hope, Lenn, that they will have links up on their website but I don't expect that to up anytime soon--I'll link to it if they do. In the meantime, I'm going to try to get a few copies on DVD. And thanks Stef for the feedback--though I feel that notion of the camera adding pounds is no joke--I've got to get running again!

Oh and Jen, I'm coming to the Bay Area in October--I'll email you the dates!


Crud. Almost makes me wish we had a TV.....almost.

costa rica investments

These diverse voices agreed that the 'rules' that govern the dairy market are really skewed, and that the pricing system and supply controls needed to be evaluated and changed.

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