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January 11, 2008



Meals aren't the same without Maureen's breads! I haven't baked any bread for 7 years (since Essentially Bread opened) - but I had to pull out my recipes this weekend, since we finished all of the wonderful artisan breads we had stashed in our freezer!
--Meg at Wake Robin Farm


Don't expect someone who's blog contained a whopping TEN entries last year to give you a hard time about taking time off! :p


Heck,I am too lazy to even have a blog,but I do read yours religiously.(& since we are sorta neighbors,I hope we get to meet IRL someday)Anyway,please keep posting.


Meg--Maureen's closing is a definite loss for all of us--lucky you for stocking the freezer!

David--Nah..I wouldn't expect YOU to give me a hard time. I always love it when you post on your blog though!

Barbara--thanks for the support--I hope we meet as well--perhaps at one of the potlucks?

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