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December 27, 2008


Jill Hurst-Wahl

Glad to see you catching up on your blogging. Can't wait to hear more about your new kitchen.

Wanted to tell you that I received a book for Christmas -- Gardening at the Dragon's Gate -- by Wendy Johnson. It is hard to describe. Yes, it is about gardening, but also about nature, zen, and a place called Green Gulch Farm Zen Center. You would likely enjoy it!

I move into my office on campus on Monday. Hinds Hall, room 208. I have no idea when you are in Hendricks, but hope we can meet up sometime.

Max mickle

Over the weekend, my girl friend and me made the twenty-minute drive to Trumansburg, NY to dine at the lovely Hazelnut Kitchen. As you may know, the Ithaca/Finger Lakes area is a destination for foodies who love semi-rural areas, beautiful scenery, and local, sustainable, organictestic food (and wine, but I don’t know anything about that, this being my 19th birthday…). That there is the specials blackboard, and a view of the exposed brick walls. Apologies in advance for the sort of bad pictures. The camera was on the verge of dying, and then it did, right before dessert…I’m new here. Thank you for shearing your post.

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