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August 02, 2010



Bob Doucette is doing a great job! I have had a chance to work with at Le Moyne.
And I do love Armory Square.


That's great news! I just recently discovered your blog, and I'm finding it very helpful in navigating my new city's food scene -- thank you for the information and for the good cheer!

Paleo Picnic

What a neat idea! Looking forward to seeing it come to fruition.


great job at Irongirl!

just saw the results and it looks like you did awesome!!!

I hope it was a great day for you!


OMG! I'm so happy I found this blog. My husband, daughter, and I just moved here and we're dying to find great food here in Syracuse.


Hi Farah--lucky you, to get to work with Bob--we need more folks like him.

Beth--welcome to Syracuse!

Mike--thanks! I felt really good about my time and hope to do better next time. Thanks for continuing to inspire me!

Meg--you'll have no shortage of great food in Syracuse--welcome!

Lonnie Chu

This is one of the most exciting developments for downtown that I've seen, and there are some real good ones in the works! But to have a great downtown market... that is a destination. That is what brings people into the heart of Syracuse, like the old days when downtown was where you went to do your important shopping. With Bob Doucette at the helm, you know it's going to be right. Syracuse is so lucky!

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This article, like so many we've seen recently in the trade press, is in my view another example of piling-on by journalists looking for material to feed their news machines. Journalists find isolated instances or events from which they extrapolate to conclusions not necessarily accurate.

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