My last post was titled, "How I like to start my day". The photo above shows what can come after breakfast. (I'm in there somewhere on the shores of Oneida lake just prior to the start of the Iron Girl Triathlon.) If this blog has been extra quiet, it is partly due to the time that I transferred from blogging to swimming, biking and running.
Though I've gained lots of new skills, met some amazing new friends, and have caught the triathlon bug, what hasn't changed is my need to eat--and to eat a lot, especially during high volume training. I've always loved Jen Ward's Fresh Cracked Pepper blog, but now I'm needing to comb her archives for more great recipes like home made energy bars. In case you didn't know, Jen and her husband relocated to San Diego where she writes the web content for a cool new triathlon magazine named Lava. She continues to write about food for them too.
More than just updating you on my recent activity, I wanted this post to be a big "thank you" note to all of the great food producers who have been fueling my workouts. If I had a sponsor, I only half kid that it is Mu Mu Muesli. They are such health nuts over there and I don't know how I'd get through some of my morning workouts without them.
But then there are all the amazing organic produce growers like Monarch and Sundance farms near Skaneateles), and distributors like Finger Lakes Family Farms who bring pasture-raised meats, milk, cheese, and Red Jacket juices to the Regional Market. This summer is filled with great memories of snacking on sugar snap peas, and fluffy omelets filled with local Swiss chard and one of the several Wake Robin cheeses we always have on hand. And Flour City Pasta takes carb-loading to a new level.
Places like the Syracuse Real Food Co-op and Green Planet Grocery kept me stocked in organic grains for the bread I've been baking each week. And when a 7:00am pool session and early work meetings prevented me from making lattes at home, the guys over at Funk 'n Waffles pulled some beautiful shots of Gimme! and kept me going. And when time for cooking eluded me, Sakana-ya was a go-to place for nutritionally balanced meals on the go.
This is just a sampling of all the goodness that is available and aren't we lucky? I mean, even on a gray, stormy day like today it is hard to imagine a better place to call home. The incredible food we have access to and the phenomenal multisport community make Syracuse and Central New York a spectacularly special place to be--and I promise, that's not just the endorphins talking!
and it might be the week to mention CNY's access to local eggs: yes, we can get pricey organic eggs, but we also have eggs grown on small farms that are marvelous
Posted by: sarah mcilvain | August 23, 2010 at 03:51 PM
Thank you so much for this post. I've been living in Central New York all my life, including college and am just beginning to realize how great we have it here. A rich and growing local food scene, beautiful parks and lakes, the change of seasons, and all within a half days drive to many fantastic cities. We really are lucky!!
Posted by: Lisa S. | August 24, 2010 at 09:41 AM
Congrats on the triathlon! I know others who have gotten the bug (but not me).
And I thank our lucky stars for being able to purchase eggs straight from the farmer at the Regional Market!
Posted by: Jill_hw | August 24, 2010 at 11:26 AM