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July 03, 2011


Rochelle Bilow

A truly wonderful idea. I think I speak for many when I say I will be happy to.

Katherine Day

This is a perfect suggestion and a fitting tribute. I'm traveling to Minnesota in a few days, and love to bring local treats from CNY as house presents anyway, and Red Newt wines are some of my favorites. I hope there are still some left on the shelves when I'm shopping on Wed. . . And may Debra rest in peace.

Pat Steer

Consider it done, Jennifer. It's a wonderful way to show Red Newt and the Whiting family some tangible support.

Mary Karpinski

Saw your blog on the Century Liquors page on FB. My daughter is a foodie too. I thought I'd send you the link to her blog. We live in the Syracuse area and visit the Finger Lakes often. We will buy Red Newt to show our support for the family. Here is Nora's link. She is a student at the CIA.!/pages/Live-Life-Eat-Right/146358455384205

Best wishes. -Mary


NICELY DONE. Also, folks can come to the Finger Lakes Culinary Bounty Dinner on August 1, which is a fund raiser for the Finger Lakes Culinary Bounty, which Deb lead and which was dear to her heart. Details available at or by calling Geneva on the Lake in Geneva, NY . . . . . d

Neil Butterfield

This is a very nice thing that you are doing here. I hope it spreads virally.

Tia G

Very nice of you, J. I hope it catches on!

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