Life has been crazy busy lately and I seem to be writing everywhere but here. But. I'm getting so excited about Sunday's benefit for the Baltimore Woods Nature Center! Now, I'm no Alton Brown (Iron Chef America) or Ted Allen (Chopped) but what an honor to be invited to emcee this night of foodie heaven. We're talking all the great stars of the local food scene--the chefs, the cheeses, produce and meats, the beer and wine, the coffee, desserts and on and on. There will be some of our favorite locavores to judge the food and if you come--you get to vote too. This
I believe there are still tickets available so call the Center to reserve your spot and check out the Baltimore Woods website to learn more about this local gem if you don't already.
Nice post!
And welcome to my home page:Fashion cooking,nice either!Thank you!
Posted by: Taylor | November 17, 2011 at 12:49 AM
Come back soon! Love your blog.
Posted by: MyHost | November 17, 2011 at 01:12 PM
How was the Dine and Judge? I hope you had fun!
Posted by: Tech Deals | November 17, 2011 at 01:14 PM
Any new updates together with your spa? I'm sure lots of people are longing for it by now.
Posted by: ms nyc lovely | November 20, 2011 at 11:15 PM