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December 06, 2011



All the best to you in Chicago, Jennifer! You will be missed.


Best wishes! Your post reveals just how inextricably our joy and our sorrow is entwined.

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I absolutely love the learning-to-tell-knock-knock-jokes stage. so many bad jokes... so much fake laughing... and then suddenly, the kid is funny! I enjoyed trading a few knock knock attempts with Schmoogie this weekend! have you introduced mr. comedian pants to the "orange you glad I didn't say apple" one yet?


Wow, big news! I'm sure the 'Cuse will miss you dearly. But you'll be a wee bit closer to me in California! (and located in a great transfer city when traveling.) Hugs!

Margaret @ Eat First

Syracuse's loss is Chicago's gain! Congratulations to you, on the minister, family and everything fronts.


You will be greatly missed.

mike Shuster

I remember first seeing you with a writing pad in hand at the Regional Market around 3 years ago, and I introduced myself and boy was I glad I did. You have been so supportive of Mu Mu and we are very grateful for that. We wish you the best and safe travels and I will miss seeing your sunny face on saturday mornings. Bon Courage!
Mike from mu mu

Pamela Sharpe-Dovbniak

Good luck to you and your family
Thank you for your help in finding an allergy friedly restaurant when we came to visit

Great Wall Tour

So fun article is! I know more from it.


Jennifer, I am sad to see you leave, even though our paths are not crossed frequently. You had touched Syracuse and left a very positive mark on it, and for that I am grateful.

BTW I was given honey for Christmas from bees that make their home in Lower Manhattan! Have tried it yet. I'm thrilled that even there nature is producing food for the rest of us.

wine addict

Regards there my friend and I'm hoping your next year would be a great year for all of us. :)

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A little concern is only the thing. Let's hope for the better.


I wish you all the best and we'll always be grateful for all the time you've spent to share with us your experiences and moments. Good luck :)


Wishing you and family all the best. You will be greatly missed. I'll be checking Cookin' in the 'Cuse for posts from Chicago, on whatever subject you choose to write about. Good Luck !!

Pat Steer

Jennifer - I was in NYC for medical stuff and completely missed this post. Live and raise your family well in Chicago, and know that your voice here in CNY will be missed.

Depressed @ Edible Finger Lakes

In. Denial. Not. Processing. This. Information. Going to pretend I never heard this and will still send you writing assignments about Finger Lakes food and wine. What are we going to do without you?

Neilesh Patel (Recruiter focused on Food Manufacturing Jobs)

Hey, I noticed your blog, liked some of these posts! Would you mind if we republished some of these articles in our newsletter or on our own site? It’s mainly a site for industry professionals in food/beverage, but I think a lot of them simply love every part of the world and would enjoy reading your blog. Let me know? I’ve linked to our site so you can see it.


Holly Knott

I am chiming in late here, just seeing your post now. I'll miss your posts and wish you all the best out there. I'm sure once you get out there you'll be overwhelmed with all the great foodie options! Best to you.

Neil | Butterfield

Here is hoping that you continue to blog. I have always found your posts to be really interesting.

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