I'm not above admitting to having that oft experienced but little spoken about condition called Episco-fatigue. Yes, after nearly two weeks of General Convention in Columbus I might say that I'm a bit worn out from church--and yes, priests get worn out too. But then I remember what an incredible thing we did in Columbus in the House of Bishops electing, and the House of Deputies affirming, the Rt. Rev. Katharine Jefforts Schori as the next Presiding Bishop.
Wisdom is indeed alive and well in the Episcopal Church.
Jefferts Schori graduated from my alma mater, The Church Divinity School of the Pacific in 1994, just a few months before I began my studies there. We serve on several committees together around the national church and when I was on staff at CDSP, I had the pleasure of seeing her incredible, revitalizing ministry first hand during one of my visits to the Diocese of Nevada.
While we are in a difficult place vis a vis our relationship with other members of the Anglican Communion and our ability to speak with one voice on the place of LBGT people in the church--we are working on it. At Grace, we are resolute about Jesus' ministry as being one of faithfulness and inclusion of EVERYBODY. I hope and trust that our new Presiding Bishop will be able to help us navigate through some turbulent waters and bring us ALL to a place at the table.