The wonderful new website, Green Blade, developed by the Episcopal Church at Cornell led me to discover another wonderful blog called Scripture Pics. I was quite taken with the image that is tied to this week's gospel reading. You can check out the photo here .
The question it raises has really stayed with me. What stands in your way of taking up the cross? I'm mindful as we prepare to baptize little Allison on Sunday that we as a community will essentially pledge not to stand in her way as she grows and learns what taking up the cross means for her. But because we are human we will indeed stand in her way just as we stand in each others way and allow other people and conditions to stand in our way.
This is essentially what Peter did--he got in Jesus' way--thus the rebuke: Get behind me Satan! Sounds harsh, but isn't that the deal? Those things and people that keep us from full engagement with God and that keep us from "going there" with Jesus are not of heaven or of God--they are of the evil one. In baptism we renounce these evil forces but fall too quickly into them. Now, I wouldn't say that Peter is Satan--far from it. I just think Jesus calls us to be aware of the forces that are acting all around us that we would be drawn by the force that leads to God--even when it means going someplace ugly and difficult like the Cross on Calvary first. If God is leading us--truly--then that cross will not be the last stop.