Jesus said, "For where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them."
So how often have you heard those words? If you follow the daily office--particularly Morning and Evening Prayer--then you'll recognize a version of these words from a prayer of St. Chrysostom. It's funny but I usually forget that these words are said in the context of conflict resolution. Our Gospel lesson this Sunday is from Matthew 18:15-20. You can read it here.
The first thing that comes to my mind is the forthrightness with which Jesus wants to deal with interpersonal conflict. If another member of the church does wrong by you, violates you, or just on their own misses the mark (some texts lack the phrase "against you" in verse 15) then we're supposed to go to that person directly and try to mend the breach or bring them to repentance. I keep wondering where the church--where the WORLD--might be if we all practiced relationships this way. Jesus: the master of non-triangulation!
It also strikes me that this kind of direct-dealing assumes a level of trust and community self-accountability that is too often missing in churches and other groups. I know that when I've gone to a person to tell them that they've hurt me (either by their words or actions) it takes all the spiritual strength I can muster to even open the conversation. Usually I come to this point when I can't stand not being in right relationship any longer. But Jesus reminds us that when we do get up the courage to speak the truth to another in love, he is there. Jesus: the master of reconciliation is there.