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April 06, 2006



Yes, you're right, we do all have issues. I've recently had to tackle some of mine head on, and oh man, does our Lord ever have grace for the task! He has led me so gently and yet so irresistably through stage after stage looking at my own unspoken, even unthought, issues with the whole gay/lesbian deal, that I'd avoided and fudged and sidestepped for years. OK, he said, so what _would_ Jesus do?

I was fortunate to have such a close and honest and brilliant and brave (and black) best friend at school who talked me relentlessly through all my own issues and cultural preconceptions, so that I never had to bother any more. Roy, if you ever read this, thanks, man!

Yet, I'd allowed an analogous GLBT prejudice to grind away unquestioned for so long. Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner!

Bless you for being prepared to bring "it" into the light - I hope more people will join the conversation.

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